Shalom Court is a non-profit society, which means we rely heavily on donations and the goodwill of our community so we can continue providing high quality aged care. If you have an interest in Shalom Court, we invite you to give back by becoming a Friend of Shalom Court, or through our Give a Brick programme.

Become a Friend of Shalom Court
The Friends of Shalom Court Association (FOSCA) provides invaluable support by organising fundraising projects and events to help us maintain our excellent care and high standard of facilities. For example, the generosity of FOSCA members contributed significantly to the funding of the construction of Albert House hospital in 2012 – thank you to our committed and tireless Friends!
Various family members have lived at Shalom Court over the years and received exceptional care. Being a Friend means that this level of care can continue – now and into the future. It is extremely rewarding to contribute to such a worthwhile cause and know that you’re making a difference.

Anna Nathan, Friend of Shalom Court
Commonly asked questions?
Give a brick. Make a difference.
Another unique way to support Shalom Court is by giving a brick. These ‘virtual’ bricks cost $6 each and can be purchased in chai blocks of 3 bricks ($18 in total). In Judaism, it is common to gift in multiples of 18 or “chai”, symbolically blessing the recipient of the gift with a long, good life. This gifting ritual is commonly used to celebrate, honour and remember loved ones, and during any Jewish occasion.
The act of giving, gifting or donating $18 or multiples thereof is commonly referred to as “giving chai” and representative of giving a gift of ‘life”. Anyone wanting bricks to contact Roberta Tills – 521 7325 or email:

Commonly asked questions?

Complete the form

Shalom Court is such a special place. The staff are very loyal and many are long standing, so it’s a very stable environment, which is a great comfort to the residents. When you become a Friend, you’re doing so much more than helping to improve our facilities and service, you’re also enabling older people enjoy the very best of care in the last years of their life.

Anna Nathan, Friend of Shalom Court