Day Club – Activity, fun and friendship, combined with care.
The Day Club will be welcoming people from the wider community who require supervised care. We offer a safe and caring atmosphere in our purpose-built facility at Shalom Court, where our clients can meet new friends and enjoy a range of experiences.
Many older people can find the days long and lonely in their own home. Available five days a week, our much-loved Day Club is part of our philosophy of caring for older people in as many ways as possible – and provides time out for family and caregivers.
Our clients enjoy a wide range of activities designed to promote mental, physical, and social wellbeing – including indoor sports, games, music, crafts, special celebrations – and above all, friendship and companionship.

Our vision
All older people have the care and support to enjoy the fullness of life.
For information about our philosophy and values…
There’s a lot to love about our Day Club
Transport is available to and from our venue (additional fees and restrictions apply).
Healthy meals, snacks and refreshments are provided, with meals supervised by a dietician.
Our Day Club Assistants plan each day’s activities and events and support attendees to undertake hobbies, activities and spontaneous events.
Volunteers help with a range of activities, providing a helping hand for those who need it, friendship and ‘just chatting’.
The programme is held in a purpose-built facility.
Our staff and volunteers go out of their way to treat our clients with dignity and respect – and to take care of all the little things that matter to them.
Other services available to our Day Club clients
On-Site Hairdresser
Our hairdresser works in attractive salon on site. Day club clients are welcome to make appointments through the Day Club
Respite Care
Short-term care in our Rest Home or Hospital can be arranged to give family caregivers a break. To discuss Respite care please call 09 521 7325 and ask to speak to the Clinical Manager
Medical Care
In case of a medical emergency, we have trained nurses close by in our Rest Home and Hospital.

How to Join
You can refer yourself, or your whanau is welcome to get in touch with us. Additionally your GP or DHB Needs Assessment Co-ordinator can refer you. Please get in touch to find out more- Joining our Day Club could make an incredible difference to your day!